Poetic Devices


Mindmap am Poetic Devices, erstellt von Sandeep Singh am 21/07/2019.
Sandeep Singh
Mindmap von Sandeep Singh, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sandeep Singh
Erstellt von Sandeep Singh vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Poetic Devices
  1. Poetic Device are tools that a poet can use to create Rhythm, enhance a Poem's meaning or intesify a mood or feeling
    1. Repetition
      1. Repetition of words, Phrases in the same line
        1. Polyptoton
          1. Repetition of words of the same root, with diff. Ending
          2. Alliteration
            1. Repetition of Initial consonant Sound
            2. Anaphora
              1. A word,group of words repeated at the beginning of two or more successive clause,sentences
              2. Epiphora
                1. A word , group of words repeated at the end of two or more successive sentences
                2. Symploce
                  1. If Anaphora & Epiphora put together in a poem
                  2. Assonance
                    1. Repetition of Vowel Sound , Usually Internal
                    2. Consonance
                      1. Repetition of consonant sound, at the end,also refers to middle of the words
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