Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Britain during World War 2
- How did Britain prepare for war?
- Issued everyone with a gas mask
- They were scared Germany would use gas like in WW1
- Started a Blackout
- Attempted to prevent Germany from hitting major cities
- People were fined if they allowed any light out
- They advised everyone to buy an Anderson Shelter
- Public shelters were set up for people who can't afford their own
- Wouldn't protect them from bombs, but would give them somewhere to hide if their house was destroyed
- Evacuation
- Moved children to the countryside
- Away from bombs
- Operation Pied Piper
- Children were sent home after there were no bombs
- The Blitz started and children were sent out again
- Third wave when Germany sent down bombs
- The government wanted women to carry out war work without having to look after their children
- Positive Impact
- New experiences
- First time middle class people experienced what it was like for working class
- Negative impact
- Abuse
- Had to work for free
- Some people avoided taking evacuees
- The Biitz
- Germany sent bombs
- British goverment introduced "The Spirit of The Blitz"
- Aimed to keep the British people optimistic about the war
- Rationing
- Nazis aimed to destroy ships bringing in Britains supplies
- Clothes, food and petrol were rationed
- What was provided changed every month
- Clothes were a luxury- women had to "Make do and mend" with old clothes
- Government propaganda
- Aimed at mothers trying to send their children to the countryside
- The Spirit of The Blitz
- Made women contribute to the war effort
- Encouraged men to fight
- Impact on children
- Better diets after rationing
- Emotional trauma- no longer with families
- Bad education after air raids interrupted lessons
- Impact on women
- 80% of married women worked and 90% of single
- Men and the media tried to get women to leave their jobs
- Increase in marriages after the war
- Worked in munitions factories and other manly jobs
- Government set up training schemes
- Were able to serve in armed forces
- Impact on immigration
- More jobs going free
- People came over to secure a job
- Some people disagreed with immigration
- Encouraged by richer people, discouraged by working class
- Working class suffered
- Recovering country needs more workers