Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Drug is the subtances that has negative effect on
human and an animals
- Many athletes use drug to increase their performance in sport
- This problem occur in high school, university
student and world athletes
- All the drug has being list on World Anti Doping Code
Prohibited list by WADA
- Type of drug that
- Stimulants
- can damage heart
- steroids
- can increase muscle and strength
- can harm liver and heart
- hormones
- Durectics
- help weight loss but can cause dehyration
- Narcotics
- can relieve pain
- Cannabinoids
- Why athletes use drug
- To face enormous pressure to excel in competition
- an athletes feel nervous before game start
- To help increase their performance and abilty
- To build mass and strength of muscle or bone
- To increase delivery of oxygen to exercising tissue