Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Cosmological Argument
- Basics
- Everything that exists has a cause if its existence
- The Universe exists
- The Universe has a cause of its existence
- If the universe has a cause of its
existence, then that cause is God
- God exists
- Aquinas
- 1. The Argument from Motion
- Nothing can move itself
- If every object in motion had a mover, then
the first object in motion needed a mover
- Movement cannot go on for infinity
- The first mover is the unmoved mover (God)
- 2. Causation of Existence
- There exists things that are
caused (created) by other things
- Nothing can be the cause of itself
- There cannot be an endless string of
objects causing other objects to exist
- There must be an uncaused cause (God)
- 3. Contingent and necessary objects
- Contingent beings are caused
- Not every being can be contingent
- There must exist a being which is
necessary to cause contingent beings
- This Being is God
- 4. The Argument from
Degrees and Perfection
- Things can have more of a quality than
other things (comparisons of beauty etc...)
- There must be a standard that all things are compared by
- This standard is God
- 5. The Argument from Intelligent Design
- The world is complex, too
complex to be random
- There must be a designer
- This designer is God
- Kalam
- Everything that has a beginning of its
existence has a cause of its existence
- The Universe has a begining
- The Universe has a cause
- That cause is God
- God exists
- Swinburne
- Uses Oakham
(Occum)'s Razor
- God is the simplest explanation
for the existence of the Universe
- God is the best explanation for
the existence of the Universe
- Strengths
- a Posteriori
- Logical
- Weaknesses
- a Posteriori
- Hume maintained that we have no experience of universes being
made and it is simply not possible to argue from causes within
the universe to causes of the universe as a whole. There is a
logical jump which the argument fails to recognise. It is one thing
to talk about causes that operate within the system of the
universe, but it is an entirely different matter to speculate about
whether the system as a whole is caused
- Hume argued that it was illegitimate to move from saying
that every event in the universe has a cause to the claim that
the universe has a cause. Bertrand Russell made a similar
point by remarking that this was like moving saying that
every human being has a mother. One cannot move from
individual causes to the claim that the totality has a cause
- Immanuel Kant rejected the argument outright not only because
he maintained that the idea of a ‘Necessary Being’ was incoherent
but also because our knowledge is limited to the phenomenal
world of space and time and it is not possible to speculate about
what may or may not exist independently of space and time
- Alternative Explanations
- The creation of the Universe was
caused by the death of the previous
Universe (lung theory)
- Why is there something
rather than nothing?