Factors, Multiples and Primes


Mindmap am Factors, Multiples and Primes, erstellt von iqrakhanmca am 29/01/2015.
Mindmap von iqrakhanmca, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von iqrakhanmca vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Factors, Multiples and Primes
  1. Multiples
    1. Definition: Any number which appears in a number's multiplication table
      1. All you have to do is write down the first 10 numbers in the questions multiplication number
      2. Factors
        1. Definition: It is a number that goes into another number without leaving a remainder
          1. Method: Use the FACTOR TREE method to list down number. Start off by one and the number itself. Once you see the numbers are repeating themselves, you should stop. Then just write them in chronological order.
            1. E.G. Find all the factors of 24
            2. So it a number you times with another number to make the number in the question
          2. Prime Numbers
            1. Definition: A number which only divides into one and itself, only containing two factors.
              1. List of prime number: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,18,23,29,31,37,41,43,47
            2. Product of prime factors
              1. BIG NUMBERS
                1. Method: 1) Write down the first 10 primes you know. 2) Draw arrows coming from the number (these arrows should have two numbers which x each other to make that number). 3) Whenever you get a prime number you ring it. 4)repeat this process for all the number until you cant go further 5)write them down in chronological order 6)This method is for both BIG AND SMALL numbers
                2. SMALL NUMBERS
                  1. You can do this method for both big and small numbers
                  2. HCF
                    1. SMALL numbers
                      1. 1) Use the factor list method to work out all the factors of the number, do this for all the numbers you are given. 3) Write the two lists in chronological order. 4) Look for the HCF which goes in both the lists, that's the answer
                        1. Method
                      2. BIG NUMBERS
                        1. Method
                          1. 1) Work out the products by using the factor tree method, do this for all numbers. 2) List them in chronological order. 3)Look for similar patters (Highest common factors) 4) multiply them
                      3. LCM
                        1. Methods
                          1. 1)list the first 10 multiples of all the numbers you are given 2)write the two lists out. 3)Circle the lowest multiple which is seen in both lists
                            1. Method 1:
                            2. Method 2:
                              1. Work out the HCF and times it by the unused numbers which would give you the LCM
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