
Mindmap about living things nutrition, reproduction and respiration.
Blanca Francisco
Mindmap von Blanca Francisco, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Mehr Weniger
Blanca Francisco
Erstellt von Blanca Francisco vor mehr als 5 Jahre
Blanca Francisco
Kopiert von Blanca Francisco vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

    1. Grasses
      1. Bushes
        1. Trees
            1. ASEXUAL
              1. Non-flowering plants
                1. Runners
                  1. Tubers
                    1. Buds
                  2. SEXUAL
                    1. Flowering plants
                      1. POLLINATION
                        1. Pollen goes from the stamen to the pistil
                          1. Insect pollination
                            1. Wind pollination
                              1. Self-pollination
                          2. PLANTS NUTRITION- PHOTOSYNTHESIS
                            1. Absorb: Carbon dioxide + water+ minerals + sunlinght =
                              1. Produce: Glucose + Oxygen
                            2. PLANTS RESPIRATION
                              1. Take: Glucose + oxygen
                                1. Release: Carbon dioxide + water
                            3. ANIMALS
                              1. VERTEBRATES
                                1. Respiration
                                  1. Lungs
                                    1. Reptiles
                                      1. Mammals
                                        1. Birds
                                          1. Amphibians
                                          2. Gills
                                            1. Fish
                                              1. Amphibians
                                            2. Nutrition
                                              1. Carnivore
                                                1. Omnivore
                                                  1. Herbivore
                                                  2. Reproduction
                                                    1. Viviparous
                                                      1. Oviparous
                                                    2. INVERTEBRATES
                                                      1. Molluscs
                                                        1. Soft muscular body and some of them have a shell
                                                        2. Jellyfish
                                                          1. soft body (umbrella) and often long tentacles
                                                          2. Sponges
                                                            1. soft body with small holes
                                                            2. Echinoderms
                                                              1. protected from predators by hard skin or spines
                                                              2. Annelids
                                                                1. long, soft body divided into segments
                                                                2. Arthropods
                                                                  1. head, thorax and abdomen, jointed legs and a hard protective exoskeleton
                                                              3. FUNGI
                                                                1. Mushrooms
                                                                  1. Tree fungus
                                                                    1. Yeast
                                                                      1. Mould
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                                                                      ähnlicher Inhalt

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