European Colonization of North America


Mindmap am European Colonization of North America, erstellt von Ty McDaniel am 18/09/2019.
Ty McDaniel
Mindmap von Ty McDaniel, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ty McDaniel
Erstellt von Ty McDaniel vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

European Colonization of North America
  1. Spanish
    1. extract wealth
      1. Native Populations
        1. Convert to Christianity
          1. Make servants out of them
            1. Incorporate the natives and Africans into Spanish society
        2. French & Dutch
          1. trade
            1. furs
              1. Intermarriage and alliances made with American Indians
              2. few people from Europe
              3. English
                1. Lived separately from natives
                  1. focused on agriculture
                    1. sought religious freedom
                      1. sought economic opportunity
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