FUTURO TENSE (Will/be going to)


FUTURO TENSE (Will/be going to)
Mindmap von Nancy Helena CHILITO CHILITO, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Nancy Helena CHILITO CHILITO vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

FUTURO TENSE (Will/be going to)
  1. GOING TO: It is used to talk about intentions and plans for the future.
    1. Structure:
      1. 1. Affirmative Sentences
        1. Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + “going to” + verbo principal.
          1. I am going to call you tonight. (Voy a llamarte esta noche.)
            1. She is going to arrive late.(Va a llegar tarde.)
          2. 2. Negative Sentences.
            1. Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + “not” + “going to” + verbo principal.
              1. I am not going to call you tonight. (No voy a llamarte esta noche.)
                1. She is not going to arrive late. (No va a llegar tarde.)
              2. Interrogative Sentences
                1. Verbo auxiliar (to be) + sujeto + “going to” + verbo principal?
                  1. Are they going to be happy to see you? (¿Van a estar felices de verte?
                    1. Are you going to call me tonight? (¿Vas a llamarme esta noche?)
              3. Will: It is generally used to talk about spontaneous decisions or facts that could happen in the future.
                1. Structure
                  1. 1. Affirmative Sentences
                    1. Sujeto + “will” + verbo principal.
                      1. I will [I’ll] call you tonight. (Te llamaré esta noche.)
                        1. She will [She’ll] arrive late. (Llegará tarde.)
                      2. 2. Negative Sentences
                        1. Sujeto + “will” + “not” + verbo principal.
                          1. I will not [won’t] call you tonight. (No te llamaré esta noche.)
                            1. She will not [won’t] arrive late. (No llegará tarde.)
                          2. 3. Interrogative Sentences
                            1. “Will” + sujeto + verbo principal?
                              1. Will you call me tonight? (¿Me llamarás esta noche?)
                                1. Will she arrive late? (¿Llegará tarde?)
                          3. Presentado por: Nancy Helena CHilito ID: 571269
                            1. Bibliografía: https://www.curso-ingles.com/aprender/cursos/nivel-intermedio/verb-tenses-future/future-simple http://www.mansioningles.com/errores-gramaticales-ingles/diferencia-uso-will-going%20to.htm
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