Firefighting - Insulating sandwich panels


Mindmap covering the major areas of insulating sandwich panel considerations for firefighters
Mindmap von Firefighter0793, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Firefighter0793 vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Firefighting - Insulating sandwich panels
  1. Uses
    1. Internally for chilled or subzero enviroments
      1. Hygiene solution
      2. Design and construction
        1. Inner core of insulating material


          1. Expanded polystyrene
            1. Extruded polystyrene
              1. Polyurethane
                1. Polyisocyanurate
                  1. Mineral fibre - less fire risk
                  2. Covered in steel sheets
                    1. Method of fixings
                      1. Light weight hangers
                    2. Problems for firefighting
                      1. Hidden fire spread within panels
                        1. Black toxic smoke
                          1. Rapid fire spread to flshover
                            1. Delamination of steel facing
                              1. Collapse
                              2. Reducing the risks - Risk Assessment
                                1. Seperating the risk from the panels
                                  1. Providing a fire-suppression system
                                    1. For the risk
                                      1. For the enclosure
                                      2. Provide non combustable cores
                                        1. Cooking areas, hot areas, bakeries,fire-breaks,fire stop panels
                                        2. Specify appropriate fixings
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