Zusammenfassung der Ressource
C10 - Using resources
- pure water
- is just H2O
- potable water
- is drinkable water
- coagulant
- it collects small particles int
large to be scoped out
- floccluation
- fine particles are caused to clump
together into a floc
- settling tanks
- to collect sand and pebbles
- sand bed filter
- water passes through fine sand
collecting particles
- chlorine
- is used to kill bad bacteria so
water to drink
- sterilised
- to ensure an absense of eany
bacteria in the water
- main lake treatments
- use large greats to collect objects
- use chloirene to
kill bactiria
- adding floculant
to collect mud
- smaller greats to collect small particals
- Bioleaching
- what is bioleaching
- is the extraction of specific metals
- using bacteria to get the metals out
- the prosses is verry slow compared to smelting
- life cycle assasments
- raw materials
- manufacture
- distribution
- use
- disposal
- is it biodegradible ?
- can it be rycyceble ?
- dose it take up lots of space ?
- is there a choce bettwen land or ocean
- how long dose it last ?
- dose it impact the envioment ?
- can it be reused ?
- how much green-house gasses are made ?
- how much energy needed ?
- What is the impact of transport ?
- How dose it have to be transporeted ?
- How much water is used ?
- once it has been made can it be re-made
into something differont ?
- what prosseses are needed ?
- Are thay close by ?
- Are thay renewable ?
- combustion
- compleat combustion