Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Psychology A1
- Memory
- Sensory
- Duration: fractions of a second
- Capacity: too small to quantify
- Encoding: raw form
- Duration: 20-30s
- Peterson and Peterson: Consonant Trigrams/Counting backwards.
- Factors affecting
- Maintenance rehearsal
- Deliberate intention to recall
- Amount of information to be retained
- Capacity: 7 +/- 2
- Baddeley: Word Length: remember
more short than long words
- Factors affecting
- Rhythmic grouping
- Influence of LTM
- Reading aloud
- Pronunciation time
- Encoding: Acoustic/Visual
- Baddeley: acoustically and semantically similar/dissimilar words (A,S 55%, A,D 75%)
- Factors affecting
- Other ways to encode
- The sound of words
- Duration: Lifetime
- Bahrick et al: Year book; recall less accurate than matching
- Factors affecting
- How duration is measured
- Thorough learning
- Childhood amnesia
- Capacity: limitless "permastore"
- Encoding: Semantic
- Eyewitness Testimony
- Cognitive Interview
- Recall every detail
- Recall events in
a different order
- Different perspective
- Recreate the context
- Anxiety
- Loftus: Weapon focus phenomenom
- Age
- Elderly
- Alzheimer's
- Schemas
- Children
- Demand
"look good"
- Consequences
- More accurate
when outcomes
are severe
- How the witnesses are tested
- Forced = more inaccurate
than volunteered
- Leading questions
- "a barn" / "THE barn"
- Misleading information
- Barn or no barn,
group with misled
17% fell for it
- Improvement
- Loci
- Mneumonics
- Pay attention
- Elaborate rehearsal
- State dependent retrieval
- mood and setting
- Peg words
- Models
- Interface
- Proactive - old interferes with new
- Retroactive - new interferes with old
- Attachment
- Learning theory
- Classical Conditioning
- Unconditioned reinforcer
- Conditioned response
- Association
- Pavlov's dogs
- Operant conditioning
- Drive state
- Rewards
- Cupboard love
- Harlow and Harlow's monkeys
- A strong emotional,
reciprocal bond
between infant and
primary caregiver
- 4 Criteria
- Orientates around primary caregiver
- Distress upon separation
- Pleasure upon reunion
- Seek proximity, particularly when stressed
- Evolutionary
- Innate programming
- Imprinting
- Lorenz' goslings
- Infants' temperament
- Caregiver Sensitivity Hypothesis
- Critical period
- 2½ years
- Sensitive period,
- Continuity hypothesis
- Monotropy
- Internal working model
- Disruptions in Attachment
- Separation: time
apart from
primary caregiver
with the intent of
- Deprivation:
prolonged separation
- Privation: no
attachment at
- Reactive Attachment Disorder
- "Crazy Beth" - Child of Rage
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2-Re_Fl_L4
- Day Care
- Strange Situation
- Ainsworth
- Cultural Variation
- Takahashi
- Japanese children,
distressed and
couldn't complete
- Kroonenberg and
Van Ijzendoorn
- Collectivist
- China, lowest
- Individualistic
- UK, highest secure
- 8 countries, 32
studies; meta analysis
- 70% Secure, 15% IR,
15% IA
- Types
- Secure
- Insecure Avoidant
- Insecure Resistant
- Research Methods