Zusammenfassung der Ressource
e safety
- Personal info.
- never ever share your personal information
- your personal information is your email
address, password, phone number and
- if you report them it also means the police will take action
- if anyone finds your personal information block them and change your details
- What is it wrong to do online
- It is wrong to ever
share your personal
- This is because then they can accesss
your account steal money and send
messages to make you feel
- Never ever end nasty messages online it is
mean illegal and could mean you get a
criminal record
- in addition you may make
people stress out and hurt
their feelings
- never talk to people you don`t know
- What are apps
doing to help
stop cyber
- Having block or report button to to
stop people from messaging you
- Making sure people are doing the
right thing by watching what goes on
- giving you your own
account with oly your
- making people aware of
what can happen if they
cyber bully