Earth History


Mindmap am Earth History, erstellt von Mason Hills am 09/10/2019.
Mason Hills
Mindmap von Mason Hills, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mason Hills
Erstellt von Mason Hills vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Earth History
  1. Bombardment (in regard to Earth’s Formation)-Leftover things from earth's formation slammed into the new earth and gave it water.
    1. Geological Time Scale-A timeline of earth and all of its important events.
      1. Layers of the Earth-The main layers of the planet, crust, mantle, outer core, inner core.
        1. Stratigraphy-Studying sedimentary rocks and their layers.
          1. Fossil Record-A group of fossils that are arranged in order of oldest to newest.
            1. Relative Dating-Figuring out the general date or time area of an event based on other events.
              1. Absolute Dating-Figuring out the specific time and date of an event.
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