Acid Rain


Mindmap am Acid Rain, erstellt von C. Kenny am 08/09/2013.
C. Kenny
Mindmap von C. Kenny, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
C. Kenny
Erstellt von C. Kenny vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Acid Rain
  1. Rainfall with a pH of >5.6 is acid rain
    1. How acid rain occurs
      1. 1) Fossil fuels are burned in cars, factories etc.
        1. 2) Gases called sulphur dioxide & nitrogen oxide are released into the air & blown by the wind
          1. 3) The gases mix with rain to form sulphuric & nitric acids which becomes acid rain
          2. Acid rain damages crops, trees, fish, buildings & human health
            1. Effects of Acid Rain
              1. Agriculture
                1. creates acidic soils
                  1. leaching
                    1. Norways soils are 10 times more acidic than 50 years ago
                    2. Forests
                      1. leaching
                        1. trees become malnourished
                          1. more than half of Germanys trees have been damaged by acid rain
                          2. Tourism
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