Alice in Wonderland


Mindmap am Alice in Wonderland, erstellt von A01206732 am 08/02/2015.
Mindmap von A01206732, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von A01206732 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Alice in Wonderland
  1. Chapter 1
    1. very hot day
        1. Talking rabbit passes by
            1. Alice follows the rabbit, in which she fells.
                1. . This whole is really deep, it even gives her time to wonder where is it taking her to.
                    1. Chapter 2
                      1. Alice start talking to her self like if she were having a fight with herself, trying to understand where she was.
                        1. she started to grow up and change her size.
                            1. she started to cry and with her tears she made a pool
                                1. Chapter 3
                                  1. she was trying to get out of the pool of tears when she stumbled with a mouse who took her to land.
                                      1. she met with diferente birds that help her get dry.
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