3rds Photosynthesis


Mindmap am 3rds Photosynthesis, erstellt von Donald Lowe am 22/10/2019.
Donald Lowe
Mindmap von Donald Lowe, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Donald Lowe
Erstellt von Donald Lowe vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

3rds Photosynthesis
  1. how a plant makes food
    1. light
      1. water
        1. carbon dioxide
          1. chlorophyll
            1. glucose
              1. turned into starch for storage
                1. turned into proteins by adding nitrogen to it
                  1. cellulose for cell walls
                  2. oxygen
                  3. Experiments
                    1. testing leaves for starch
                      1. boil in water to burst the cells
                        1. boil in ethanol to remove chlorophyll
                          1. rinse in water to soften it
                            1. add iodine solution
                              1. blue/black = starch
                                1. red/yellow = no starch
                      2. plastic bag with sodium hydroxide to remove carbon dioxide
                        1. measuring the rate
                          1. pond weed - elodea
                            1. measured how many bubbles were produced in one minute
                              1. light intensity was changed - how far away the light was
                              2. tin foil mask to stop light
                                1. variegated leaf - green and white leaf
                                2. leaf structure
                                  1. different types of cells
                                    1. veins - delivered minerals and water, and took away sugars
                                      1. xylem for water
                                        1. phloem for food
                                        2. guard cells
                                          1. stomata
                                            1. gas exchange
                                      2. roots
                                        1. abosrb water
                                          1. support
                                            1. anchor
                                              1. absorb minerals
                                                1. nitrogen
                                                  1. proteins
                                                  2. phosphate
                                                    1. cell membranes and DNA
                                                    2. potassium
                                                      1. proper growth
                                                      2. magnesium
                                                        1. chlorophyll
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