Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Marxist Theory of
Bourgeoisie Revolution
- Must be able to
interpret the F R
completely to
understand complete
social structure
- Marx + Engels-
"B...conquered for
itself, in the modern
representative state,
exclusive political
- M- T F R was an e.g
of Eng R
- B headed movement
- non-B + W/C had same
interests as B
- Even when they fought
against B they still had
same aim
- Rev was European Rev
- created a new social order
- B overthrowing Feudalism
- Bourgeoisie Revolution
- Revisionist Against This View
- M- B at front of R
- No clear diving line between
- B- land owners + some had seigneurial
- Peasants
revolted against
- 'feudal reaction'
- Peasants- didn't want capitalism moving into rural
- R B- made up of declining
professional workers
- Revisionists-
Furet + Richet-
rev did not
the Ancien
- T R did not stay with
one aim or course
- Jacobins had separate aims
from B + masses
- Structure
- rev that promoted capitalism
- change in the pow of S
- B became dominant +
capitalism took over
- B led the way in rev but capitalist class still
had strong role
- proletarian revs create a socialist system
- B revs help capitalist production increase and
become dominant
- Classical B Rev
- Internal crises within A.R + R/C caused fall- revisionist
- Lenin- w/c did not want to live under A.R + R/C could not continue to do so
- B developed due to their economic prosperity- seigniorial rights + land
- Mon unstable + so hard to buy nobility
- some Nobility against others- court nobility disliked
- Estate G- limits to B advancement +
share of pol pow
- 3rd E dominate
- clergy- divided
- nobles- opposed
- The outvoting of 3.E caused a B Rev-
against R/C
- they challenged mon + R/C
- created National Assembly- June 1789
- B in control
- B capitalist system then in place- based on property and wealth- not
birth right- destroying nobility privileges
- had to have Paris on their side- Capture of Bastille 14th July
- fear of capitalistm in urban areas + high bread prices=
- peasant uprisings
- Triggered also by 1788-89
economic crisis
- Urban movement- driving force of rev
- Soboul- "sans- culotterie did not
constitute a class"
- Fragile times- rations of food
- united artisans in a common interest +
wanted price controls
- Law of the General Maximum 29th Sept
1793- allowed for food for families
- Richet "under Robespierre, blood flowed
and there was enough bread...blood no
longer flows and there is a shortage...we
must spill a little blood before we can get
- overthrew feudal system
4th Aug 1789
- Rich and Poor had increasing tension
- high food prices
- harvest failures
- M see the T rev was caused to do B rise due to the resulting increase in
- B were agents of capitalism
- B overtook T monarchies pow
- had land and economic pow
- mainly due to commerce and industry
- Cobben- against this as saw majority of 3.E had nothing to
do w commerce.- many B not against feudalism as
land/property owners
- many brought titles of nobility
- Blanning "with so many B behaving like nobles + so many nobles
behaiving like b, it is difficult to find much evidence of class- conflict
between T two"
- B able to dominate due to the Pol pow of mon collapsing
- ran out of money and nobility +
aristocrats turning against them due to
- Lefebvre saw that Rev began w aristocratic revolt, rather than B - due to reforms
- nobility got support of B which motivated B to pursue own aims