Corruption: Causes and consequences


Mindmap am Corruption: Causes and consequences, erstellt von ri3nto am 10/09/2013.
Mindmap von ri3nto, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ri3nto vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Corruption: Causes and consequences
  1. Consequences
    1. Economy
      1. High cost investment
        1. Low investment rate
          1. Unattractive investment climate
          2. Low state revenue
            1. Inequality
              1. Slower economic growth
              2. Social
                1. Inneffective government spending
                  1. Poor education
                    1. Poverty
                      1. Fail to achieve development program
                    2. Politics
                      1. Inequal political opportunities
                        1. National disintegration
                      2. Causes
                        1. Economic factor
                          1. Private company competition
                          2. Bureaucratic factor
                            1. Government size and decentralisation
                              1. Ineffective recruitment and low salaries
                              2. Cultural factor
                                1. Political factor
                                  1. State/political system
                                  2. Low press freedom
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