Moses Supposes - Physical Setting


Singin' in the Rain physical setting for musical number 'Moses Supposes'
Izzie Hirst
Mindmap von Izzie Hirst, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Izzie Hirst
Erstellt von Izzie Hirst vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Moses Supposes - Physical Setting
  1. Camera Angles
    1. Head to toe
    2. Set
      1. jumps off table
        1. Adds to entertainment
      2. Music
        1. saxophone, trumpet, trumbone, piano and strings.
          1. Jazz music
        2. Props
          1. curtains
            1. Uses them to look like Egyptians
          2. Lighting
            1. neutral
              1. no enforced entertainment
                1. entertaining in it's own right
            2. Costume
              1. everyday man
                1. unfused collared shirts, under brown jumper (Don) with tailored trousers.
                  1. They are similar but Cosmo wears green jumper and skinny tie.
                    1. low maintenance and unfussy silouhettes
                      1. shows athletic physique
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