Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Fundation of Electronics 3.0
- Prior to 1900s several electric divices were
in use including the electric motor thr
electric lamp the telegraph and the
- Understanding this nature led to elctronics a branch of
the study of electricity that deals with the behavior and
motion of electrons in a vacuum or in special material
- Vacuum Tubes- usually electricity requires a
conductor such as a wire to travel from one place to
another. In the 1850s however scientist discovereed
that the elctricity can travel through a vacuum.
- THE Crookes tube- Around 1878
the english physicist willim
crookesdesigned a special type of
vacuum tbe to stufy cathode rays
- The Vacuum- Tube DIODE-While experimenting with a
prototype incandescent lamp in 1875 Thomas Edison ran
into a small problem
- Semiconductors- The most promising
aveneu of research centered on solid
- Using Semiconductors - Scientist in the
1930s discovered that when an n-type
semiconductor electrons can easily cross
the boundary
- Integrated Circuits-Although semiconductos
diodes and transintors require much less
space and powerthan the vacuum tubes
they replaced
- Electronic Computers-although elecctronic
devices such as
televisions,radio,microwaves,ovens and
radar are prevalent in society one of the
- Information in Computers-Although computers can be
incredibly complex tey are all based on very simple
electrical circuits
- White Dove School Nombre
-Roberto Josue Gallo Teacher-
Terese Guevara
Asignature-Science Grade-9
grade Date- 4-11-2019