Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- The Zollverein and the Expansion of the Railways
- Customs Union - agreement between
25/39 states to create a free trading
- established in 1834, instigated
by Prussia.
- Prussian Businessmen needed to pay tax to transport
goods from one side of Prussia to the other.
- -Zollverein meant there was no taxes and Railways expansion helped
break down trade barriers and bring the German population closer
- set an example of not only
working together
economically but also
working together politically
in a United Germany.
- Encouraged a higher level of trade & the states began to see the financial
benefits of being a part of a larger grouping. (Encouraged Unity.) Demonstrating that cooperation was essential.
- William Carr - may be "inappropriate" to call this the 'forerunner of
German political unity' bc states joined to be better off finanicially, rather
than because of a love for Prussia.
- They joined to "escape from the
financial and economical difficulties that
beset them."
- New, Fresh Ideas of Unity and This broke down old state
system, gradually bringing political change to 'Germany'.
- Prussia's control put
them at the heart of the
German States.
- Austria isolated from Zollverein
- Cultural Nationalism
- 25 million speaking the same language
throughout states - ideas easily shared
- "Liberalism and nationalism remained
largely middle-class before 1848" -
Andrina Stiles.
- Seemed logical that they should be
united not only bby language, but
politically as well.
- Mainly MC that took part in rise
of nationalism as LC couldnt not
read - but MC were hugely
- Cultural Nationalism began to stir up feelings in Uni's, where academics
envisioned a united Germany.
- "France ruled the continent; Britain Ruled the waves;
whilst Germant ruled the clouds."
- Famous Musiciains, Poets, Writers and
artists fired up Romantic Movement
(1800-1830) spreading ideas of
nationalism through their work.
- Demonstrated that ideas were changing and more
wished for unity. also Highlighted influential people
were further spreading ideas.
- The French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars
- Kickstarted ideas of Liberalism
- Major event in European History and
saw fall of Monarchy - incredibly
violent uprising.
- FR brought equality, rights and liberal political
ideas to France and awoke German nationalism,
awaking a whole new way of thinking.
- Fall of Monarchy showed people that it was
not essential to be under the rule of one
important figure - they could be citizens with
- Started "Enlightenment process" all over Europe.
- Napolen tried to organize the states from 400 into 16
big states - Confederation of the Rhine.
- Began uniting citizens, proving to them that
it was possible for them to be a part of
something bigger and that change was upon
- Gave and early sense of cooperatin and ideas of
nationalism and liberalism were pushed and made clear
to citizens of the states.
- 1848 Revolutions
- Uprisings by unhappy peasants and MC
- Peasants lived in awful living and working conditions, a
series of poor harvests and increasing prices - change
was demanded.
- MC demanded more job opportunities and a bigger
say in the way the country was run - they payed all
the taxes, benefitting the economy.
- Revolutions failed for a numer of reasons, mainly due t the
leaders lacking clear, organised aims and did not agree on
what was wanted/needed.
- Revolutionaries crushed
easily by leaders' armies.
- did however stir up new ways of thinking, about equality and
- The Twin Forces
- Rapid population increase (from 25
mill to 34 mill in 34 years)
- Gov now faced with
issue of governing
rapidly expanding
urban populations.
- Industrialisation - replaced skilled human workers with
machinery created great unemployment, leading to slums
and squator.
- Demand got political change and a more
responsive Gov who would help the poor.
- Suggests that citizens
were in crisis and in
need of a single
German Gov.