
Mindmap am GROWTH OF GERMAN NATIONALISM, erstellt von Julia falconer am 11/02/2015.
Julia falconer
Mindmap von Julia falconer, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Julia falconer
Erstellt von Julia falconer vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. The Zollverein and the Expansion of the Railways
    1. Customs Union - agreement between 25/39 states to create a free trading area.
      1. established in 1834, instigated by Prussia.
        1. Prussian Businessmen needed to pay tax to transport goods from one side of Prussia to the other.
          1. -Zollverein meant there was no taxes and Railways expansion helped break down trade barriers and bring the German population closer together.
            1. set an example of not only working together economically but also working together politically in a United Germany.
              1. Encouraged a higher level of trade & the states began to see the financial benefits of being a part of a larger grouping. (Encouraged Unity.) Demonstrating that cooperation was essential.
            2. William Carr - may be "inappropriate" to call this the 'forerunner of German political unity' bc states joined to be better off finanicially, rather than because of a love for Prussia.
              1. They joined to "escape from the financial and economical difficulties that beset them."
              2. New, Fresh Ideas of Unity and This broke down old state system, gradually bringing political change to 'Germany'.
                1. Prussia's control put them at the heart of the German States.
                  1. Austria isolated from Zollverein
                  2. Cultural Nationalism
                    1. 25 million speaking the same language throughout states - ideas easily shared
                      1. "Liberalism and nationalism remained largely middle-class before 1848" - Andrina Stiles.
                      2. Seemed logical that they should be united not only bby language, but politically as well.
                        1. Mainly MC that took part in rise of nationalism as LC couldnt not read - but MC were hugely passionate.
                          1. Cultural Nationalism began to stir up feelings in Uni's, where academics envisioned a united Germany.
                            1. "France ruled the continent; Britain Ruled the waves; whilst Germant ruled the clouds."
                          2. Famous Musiciains, Poets, Writers and artists fired up Romantic Movement (1800-1830) spreading ideas of nationalism through their work.
                            1. Demonstrated that ideas were changing and more wished for unity. also Highlighted influential people were further spreading ideas.
                            2. The French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars
                              1. Kickstarted ideas of Liberalism
                                1. Major event in European History and saw fall of Monarchy - incredibly violent uprising.
                                  1. FR brought equality, rights and liberal political ideas to France and awoke German nationalism, awaking a whole new way of thinking.
                                    1. Fall of Monarchy showed people that it was not essential to be under the rule of one important figure - they could be citizens with rights.
                                      1. Started "Enlightenment process" all over Europe.
                                      2. Napolen tried to organize the states from 400 into 16 big states - Confederation of the Rhine.
                                        1. Began uniting citizens, proving to them that it was possible for them to be a part of something bigger and that change was upon them.
                                          1. Gave and early sense of cooperatin and ideas of nationalism and liberalism were pushed and made clear to citizens of the states.
                                  2. 1848 Revolutions
                                    1. Uprisings by unhappy peasants and MC
                                      1. Peasants lived in awful living and working conditions, a series of poor harvests and increasing prices - change was demanded.
                                      2. MC demanded more job opportunities and a bigger say in the way the country was run - they payed all the taxes, benefitting the economy.
                                        1. Revolutions failed for a numer of reasons, mainly due t the leaders lacking clear, organised aims and did not agree on what was wanted/needed.
                                          1. Revolutionaries crushed easily by leaders' armies.
                                            1. did however stir up new ways of thinking, about equality and liberalism.
                                        2. The Twin Forces
                                          1. Rapid population increase (from 25 mill to 34 mill in 34 years)
                                            1. Gov now faced with issue of governing rapidly expanding urban populations.
                                              1. Industrialisation - replaced skilled human workers with machinery created great unemployment, leading to slums and squator.
                                                1. Demand got political change and a more responsive Gov who would help the poor.
                                                  1. Suggests that citizens were in crisis and in need of a single German Gov.
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