Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Abraham - founder of Judaism
- Abram Born in UR, Mesopotomia 1900 - 1700 bc
- Moved with father to Haran
- God spoke to him in Canaan, the Promised land
- God told him to move to Canaan with his family
- Monotheism - believe in one God
- Ploytheism - to believe in more than one God
- Wife Sarai - meaning Mockery
- Sarai could not have Children
- Sarai Slave's - Hagar from Egypt
- Sarai's plan for Hagar was for her to have a baby with
Abraham - allowed under Old testament law
- Sarai planed to adopt the baby when it was born
- Hagar became pregnant and proud was hateful to Sarai
- Sarai told her to go away
- Hagar left but God meets her, he told her her son would be great and to go back
- Hagar is Egyptian and a Polytheism but God talks to her this shows God's special relationship with Abraham
- First fall out
- Son Born - ISHMAEL - God has heard
- later Hagar and Sarai fall out
- Sarai tell Abraham to send Hagar & Ishmael away
- Hagar tries to leave Ishmael in the Desert
- God meets her, rescues them and renews his promise
- Second fall out
- The Covenant, a special promise
- God's promise - I shall be your God
and you my People
- You will have many descendants
- I bless all you bless and Curse
all you curse
- As a sign of the Covenant
Abram becomes Abraham
- Abram's promise - I will obey you
- I will be faithful to you