Liberal Reforms


History revision, (Part 1) Started 13/2/15
Mindmap von Craig_Woodman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Craig_Woodman vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Liberal Reforms
  1. Social Reformers
    1. (Benjamin) Seebohm Rowntree
      1. He did a study on York to see if the discoveries in the city were the same in the smaller rural areas. He created the poverty line and he showed us at what time in their lives when people dipped below this poverty line.
      2. Charles Booth
        1. Studied the working class at the end of the 1900's he formulated the study Rowntree would later replicate in York Booth also invented the idea of the class system and he told us what class people were in.
        2. John Galt
          1. John Galt took photos of the poor and he did this to demonstrate to the middle classes how poor they actually were, his study took place in London.
        3. Charity's set up to aid the poor during the 1920's
          1. Salvation army
            1. The Salvation army was the brain child of William Booth, while he was within the salvation army he gathered information on the poor and on what caused poverty.
            2. Barnardos'
              1. it was Founded by Thomas Barnardo and was designed to help children. Barnardo set it up in 1866
            3. Why were they introduced?
              1. They were introduced after the work of Rowntree, Booth and Galt
              2. Liberal reforms was the name given to government policies that aimed to help the lower classes, they were passes after the liberal government came to power in 1906
                1. FREE SCHOOL MEALS 1906 Local authorities were given the authority to offer free school meals to the poorest family's.
                  1. THE PENSIONS ACT 1908 This gave elderly people a weekly income from government funds. The promise was made in 1908 to introduce it but it wasn't law until the 1909 budget. you had to be over 70 to be eligible for a state pension.
                    1. THE CHILDRENS ACT 1908 This did several things to help and protect children. Children essentially became protected persons
                      1. SCHOOL MEDICAL INSPECTIONS 1907 Doctors and nurses went into schools and did free medical checks; until 1912 parents still had to pay for any treatment required.
                        1. LABOUR EXCHANGES ACT 1909 Unemployed workers could go to a labour exchanges place to get work, this saved them frim traipsing around from workhouse to workhouse.
                          1. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT 1911 This gave people money if they paid in weekly if they found themselves ill and unable to work.
                            1. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT PART II This gave people a wage if they found themselves out of work, it was like a modern day job seekers allowance.
                              1. FREE SCHOOL CLINICS 1912 These gave children the treatment they needed which had been diagnosed at the SCHOOL MEDICAL INSPECTIONS up to this point parents needed to pay for any treatment which was needed after the school medical inspections.
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