Film Production


Mindmap am Film Production, erstellt von skmattwell am 11/09/2013.
Mindmap von skmattwell, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von skmattwell vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Film Production
  1. Development
    1. Pre-Production
      1. Production
        1. Post-Production
          1. Film editing
            1. Putting the footage together
            2. Special effects
              1. Effects added where needed
              2. Play the 'Rough cut' to a sample audience
                1. Publicizing
                  1. Advertsing
                    1. Television
                      1. Radio
                        1. Posters and billboards
                        2. Done!
                      2. Filming
                        1. Video cameras
                          1. Various camera angles
                        2. Directing
                          1. Oragnising the scene
                            1. Recreating the vision
                          2. Sound recording
                            1. Sound bom
                              1. Positioning for optimal sound
                          3. Budgeting
                            1. Dividing the budget
                            2. Build a film crew
                              1. Cast
                              2. Costumes, props and effects
                                1. Storyboard the script
                                  1. Breaking the script down
                                2. Finding ideas
                                  1. Real life events or fictional
                                  2. Generate Funding
                                    1. Pitching the idea
                                    2. Target Audience
                                      1. Find whats appealing to them
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