LEARNT YOU(Created from your experiences & beliefs)


Start learning to behave like the REAL YOU rather than the person you were taught to be. Marion Jorgensen www.headtalkbodytalk.com
Mindmap von mjorgensen, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von mjorgensen vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

LEARNT YOU(Created from your experiences & beliefs)
    1. The Real You bursts your comfort zones
      1. We get hysterical at the thought of letting go
      2. EGO (Personality)
        1. The Ego fights hard for its survival
          1. It is smooth talking, manipulative & clever
            1. It teaches us selfishness, greed, judgement, small mindedness
              1. We withhold from others and give to ourselves
            2. SURRENDER
              1. We are frightened to become passive
                1. Aggressive energy is respected
                  1. We create a fight mentality (job, money, relationship, losing weight, get sober, getting people to understand me, stay or go)
                2. FEARFUL THINKING around your Perfect Self
                  1. Feelings of worthlessness and not being "enough"
                  2. RESULTS FOCUSSED
                    1. We control events and attach ourselves to the results
                      1. Attachments to results means its hard to give up control
                    2. EXTERNAL SEARCHING
                      1. Always looking for something to complete us
                        1. We look for the source of happiness
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