Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Birds
- Nutricion
- Some birds are carnivorours
- Example:eagle
- Some birds are omnivorours
- Example:hen
- Some birds are herbivorours
- Example:toucan
- Reproduction
- The birds
reproduce by
eggs and are
- Respiration
- The birds respirate
by lungs
- Birds blood it is hot
- The birds
live in nest
- All the birds have fethers
- Mammals
- Nutricion
- The
can be
- Example:lion
- The mammals can be
- Example:rino
- The mammals can be omnivorers
- Example:bear
- They produce milk
- Reproduction
- Mammals are viviparous
- Respiration
- The mammals
respirate by lungs
- hot blood
- The mammals live in
earth and on water
- Fish
- Reproduction
- The fish are oviparous
- The fish live in the see
- The fish has cold blood
- Respiration
- The fish respirate
by gills
- Nutrition
- Some fish can be it plants
souch as the parrotfish
- Some fish can be it
other fish souch as
the piranha
- Some fish can be it ebry
tipe of nutrients souch as
the sardine
- All the fish have scales
- Reptiles
- Reproduction
- The reptiles are oviparous
- Respiration
- The reptiles
respirate by lungs
- Reptiles has cold blood
- Nutrition
- The reptiles can be carnivers
souch as the crocodile
- The reptile can be
herbivores souch
as the tortle
- The reptiles can be omnivorers
- Reptiles can be live in the
water an in the earth
- All the reptiles have scales
- Anfhibian
- Nutricion
- All anfhibians ar carnivorours
- Anfhibian live in water
and quen are young in
- Anfhibian has cold blood
- Reproduction
- Anfhibian reproduce by eggs
- Respiration
- By gills quen are young
and lungs quen are old
- Moist thin skin