Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Jean Piaget
- How Children Obtain Knowledge
- Agency
- our motivation to seek out knowledge
- Schemas
- mental structures; categorisation
- Equilibration
- assimilation
- add new info to existing schema
- accommodation
- change existing schemas to
accommodate new info
- Operations
- rules by which the world works
- Errors in Thinking
- Object Permanence
- understanding an object continues
to exist when out of sight
- Egocentrism
- thinking people can see from your perspective, dont
understand that people have other viewpoints
- Animism
- giving inanimate objects human-like qualities
- Conservation
- understanding that objects can stay the same
amount of quantity when their appearance changes
- Formal Reasoning
- can focus on the form of an argument &
not be distracted by its concept. Can
reason abstract concepts
- Stages
- Sensorimotor (0-2)
- sensation & movement
- object permanence around 8 months
- Pre-Operational (2-7)
- symbolism. semi-logical, centration, animism
- Concrete Operational (7-11)
- operations, less egocentric, can do conservation tasks
- Formal Operational (11+)
- reason formally, respond to syllogisms, consider
abstract concepts, formulate & test hypothesis
- Hurley & Whelan (1988)
- noted that a chid's pain corresponds to their
Piagetian stage
- Wilberg (2002)
- supports the distinction between pre-operational
and concrete operational thinking