Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Caries management
- Indirect pulp cap
- Hall technique (PFMC)
- No caries removal
- PFMC seals caries/tooth from substrate
- Stepwise excavation
- Deep carious cavity (5mm)
- Caries removal but some
caries left at cavity base
- Setting CaOH liner placed
- GIC restoration
- 6-9months later
- Remove GIC
- Remove soft dentine
- Place definitive restoration
- or GIC
- CaOH liner kills bacteria (antimicrobial) &
encourages tertiary dentine deposition (alkaline)
- Restoration seals cavity from substrate
- Atraumatic Restorative technique (ART)
- Soft caries removed with
spoon excavator
- Restored with GIC
- Restoration seals cavity
from substrate
- Partial caries removal
- Same as Stepwise excavation
- Difference
- Definitive restoration after
some caries removal (1 visit)
- When
- Asymptomatic
dentine caries
- Reversible pulpitis
- Pulpotomy
- When
- Carious pulp exposure
- Traumatic pulp exposure
- Isolate
- Use NaOCl to disinfect &
control bleeding
- Remove pulp with high speed bur until
bleeding stops / all coronal pulp removed
- MTA pulp cap
- Temporise
- Restore definitively if asymptomatic
- or ZOE cement liner
- Restore with GIC +
composite or PFMC
- Use Ferric Sulphate
- RCT (inc.
- When
- Irreversible pulpitis
- Pulp necrosis
- Periapical pathology
- Restoration requires use of pulp
chamber/canals for retention
- Restoration would seriously
endanger the pulp
- Complete caries removal
- Access & unroof pulp chamber
- Isolate
- Remove pulpal tissue
- Irrigate with NaOCl (throughout)
- Shape & clean canals
- Obturate with GP & AH resin sealer
- Definitive restoration
- Prevention
- When
- Non-cavitated enamel caries
- e.g. white spot lesion
- Fluoride varnish
over lesion
- Diet advice
- Enamel Biopsy
- When
- Stained fissures + sign suggesting caries
- No caries or in enamel only
- Fissure sealant
- Direct pulp cap
- Isolate
- Use NaOCl to disinfect &
control bleeding
- No pulp removed
- MTA pulp cap
- Temporise
- Restore definitively if asymptomatic
- When
- Traumatic pulp
- Open apex (complicated crown