Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- What is utilitarianism?
- The greatest happiness principle
- The greatest good
- Actions are right if they are useful or beneficial
- Consequential
- Act and rule utilitarianism
- Bentham Act
- http://bethanyasethics.blogspot.co.uk/2011/03/benthams-utilitarianism.html
- Theory divided into three parts
- The Principle Of Utility
- Bentham states that there is no such
thing as a selfless act. However an act
must be of use to be moral.
- Motivation
- Bentham believes that human are motivated by pain
and pleasure. We try to maximize pleasure and
minimize pain.
- The Hedonic Calculus
- Seperated into to seven different sections
- I don't care I'll still pass ethics
- Intensity
- How intense is the
pleasure? Pleasure which
causes a lot of happiness is
prefered to pleasure that
only causes a small
- Duration
- How long will the pleasure
last for? Pleasure that lasts
a long amount of time is
better that temporary
- Certainity
- How certain an action is
to create pleasure. The
more certain the better.
- Immediacy
- How soon the pleasure
can be received. Pleasure
that is gained instantly is
better than pleasure that
will take a while to get.
- Succession
- How many times can the
pleasure be received?
Pleasure which can be given
multiple times is more
worthy than pleasure only
given once.
- Purity
- If an action cause pain it is
not as worthy as an action
without pain. The hedonic
caluculus focuses on
minimisation of pain
- Extent
- Extent was added by
Mill. This is about doing
the greatest good for
the greatest amount
- Teleological
- Consequential
- Mill Rule
- Like Bentham Mill believes that humans are motivated by pain and
pleasure, however Mill claims that there high and low pleasures.
- High pleaures: higher pleasures are of the mind.
They are more worthwhile pleasures such as
university and jobs.
- Low pleasures: Low pleasures are of the body.
These consist of more simplistic pleasures
such as food.
- Mill believes that humans would be unhappy with quantitate choices. To
an individual qualitieve choices are more valuable. As well as more beneficial.