The causes behind rebellions in the reign of Edward IV and Mary I


History Mindmap am The causes behind rebellions in the reign of Edward IV and Mary I, erstellt von buzzbrett am 13/09/2013.
Mindmap von buzzbrett , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von buzzbrett vor etwa 11 Jahre

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  1. Socio-economic
    1. Kett Rebellion
      1. Wyatt
        1. Peasants may have been fighting as a result of grievances for the declining cloth trade
      2. Political
        1. Northumberland
          1. Wyatt
            1. Desire to prevent Mary from marrying Philip II of spain
              1. Wyatt's motive: hatred for the Spanish due to witnessing of the Spanish Inquisition .
              2. Rebels: Xenophobia 'prevent us from being over-run by strangers'
                1. Loss of positions in court as a result of Philip bringing his own Spanish court
                  1. Mary recognised the political issues surrounding her marriage. As a result she made certain marriage agreements. One was that Philip was not a king of England in his own right.
                2. Religious
                  1. Western Rebeliion
                    1. Wyatt
                      1. Led by protestant leaders: Wyatt and Sire James Croft
                        1. Only successful uprising was in Kent, a protestant stronghold
                          1. Link o
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