Zusammenfassung der Ressource
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- Socio-economic
- Kett Rebellion
- Wyatt
- Peasants may have been fighting as a result of grievances for the declining cloth trade
- Political
- Northumberland
- Wyatt
- Desire to prevent Mary from marrying Philip II of
- Wyatt's motive: hatred for the Spanish due to witnessing of the Spanish Inquisition .
- Rebels: Xenophobia 'prevent us from being over-run by strangers'
- Loss of positions in court as a result of Philip bringing his own Spanish court
- Mary recognised the political issues surrounding her marriage. As a result she made certain marriage agreements. One
was that Philip was not a king of England in his own right.
- Religious
- Western Rebeliion
- Wyatt
- Led by protestant leaders: Wyatt and Sire James Croft
- Only successful uprising was in Kent, a protestant stronghold
- Link o