Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- My name is Bart Harley Jarvis.
- I come from the land down under.
- aka Australia
- which is located in the continent of...Australia. Or, if you prefer, Australasia or Oceania.
- When I was 21, I moved to the land up over.
- By the land up over, I mean America.
- And by America, I mean the United States of America.
- I lived in 3 different cities in the USA.
- New Orleans
- San Francisco
- And Scrantonville.
- I was trapped in Scrantonville for 20 years.
- It was awful.
- After having escaped that God-forsaken town, I moved to a place in England Leicester.
- Inexplicably, it was pronounced "Lester."
- Needless to say, upon learning of this spelling-pronunciation discrepancy, I immediately left.