The Postmethod ERA


Approaches for teaching
Mindmap von HERSON EFRAIN BATZ LIGORRIA, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von HERSON EFRAIN BATZ LIGORRIA vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Postmethod ERA
  1. Pursuing a particular set of goals with in a pedagogical approach.
    1. Communicative Language
      1. Suggest a focus on all the components (grammatical,discourse,functional,sociolinguistic and strategies of communicate competence.
        1. Language techniques are designed to engage learners in the pragmatic, authentic, functional use of language for meaningful purposes.
          1. A focus on students in accuracy of communicative techniques.
            1. Students produce language , productively and receptively.
              1. Students are given opportunities to focus on their own learning process according to their learning styles.
                1. Teachers are facilitator and students are active participants.
      2. Task-based Language Teaching
        1. Puts the use of tasks at the core of language teaching
          1. Tasks ultimately point learners beyond the forms of language alone to real world contexts, they contribute to communicate goals,also they engage learners to solve problem activity.
            1. Their elements are carefully designed and the objectives are well specified.
        2. Learner-centered Instruction
          1. Techniques are focused on learners' needs,styles and goals, give some control to the student,enhance student's creativity and sense of competence
          2. Cooperative Learning
            1. Students work together in pairs and groups, share information , they are a team to achieve a goal.
            2. Interactive Learning
              1. Create opportunities for genuine interaction in the classroom.
                1. Doing a significant amount of pair work and group work.
                  1. Language is produced and received to perform classroom tasks.
                    1. Practicing oral communication
                      1. Writing to and for real audiences, not contrived ones.
              2. Whole Lenguage Education
                1. Describes cooperative ,participatory,and student centered learning.
                  1. Focus on the community of learners and the nature of their language.
                2. Content Based Instruction
                  1. Language becomes the medium to convey informational content of interest and relevance of learners.
                    1. Refers to the concurrent study of language and subject matter, with the form and sequence of language presentation dictated by content material
                  2. Other Approaches: The lexical Approach is the hypothesis that the essential building blocks of language are words and word combinations.
                    1. Multiple Intellingences:Indicates at least eight types of intelligence,that learners can manifest.
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