Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Heat Transfer
- Heat
- A form of energy
- Always flows from a
hot object to a cool
- measured in Joules (j)
- Another name is
thermal energy
- Temperature
- Describes how hot or
cold an object is
- Measured in Degree Celsius
- The amount of
energy stored in
something depends
- The temperature
- Material
- Mass
- Heat conductor
- When heat travels through it is called conduction
- Can be called thermal conductor
- Metal is a good conductor
- Heat insulator
- Poor heat
- Wood and plastic are
good insulators
- Carpets are good insulators
- They contain trapped air
- Air is a good insulator if it cannot move
- Heat energy
transfer through
- When a solid is heated
the particles gain energy
and vibrate more
- The particles
bump into each
other and pass the
energy on
- Conduction happens
best in a solid
because the particles
are close together
- Particles need more
space so the solid
- When it cools down the
particles move more slowly
and the solid contracts
- When a solid expands
the mass stays the same
but it takes up more
space and its density decreases
- Heat energy travelling through liquids
- Liquids and gases are all fluids
- Conduction doesn't work well with fluids but
convection does
- When a fluid is heated the
particles move faster
- The fluid expands and becomes less dense
- This is
because the
same mass of
the fluid is
taking up
more space
- If only parts s of the fluid is being heated that
part starts to rise because it is less dense than
the cooler fluid around it
- Cooler fluid moves to take its
place and a convection
current is formed
- Convection current plays a
large part in the weather
- Convection current can
also form when parts of a
fluid is colder than its
- Evapourating cools things down
- 3 states of matters
- Solid, liquids and gases
- Heat a solid (e.g.
water) and it will melt
into a liquid when the
temperature reaches
its melting point.
- Freezing and
melting points are
always the same
- Liquid water will
evaporate to form a
- The boiling point of a liquid
is the same temperature
when the liquid is
evaporating as fast as it can
- When a liquid,
starts to turn
into a solid the
reaches its
freezing point
- Gas can be changed into
liquid by cooling it down
until the gas condenses into
a liquid
- Changing for solid to
liquid needs energy to
break the bonds holding
the particles together
- When a liquid turns back
into a solid , this energy is
no longer needed
- Radiation
- Heat given from an object
- When hot things emit infrared radiation
and it hits an object, the object will absorb
the radiation or it will reflect it
- Light coloured, shiny materials
reflect the most infrared
- Sometimes called infrared radiation
- Thermal energy
- create pictures of heat rather than light
- measure infrared radiation
and convert the data into
maps of temperatures
- used for filming at night and finding
temperature pf remote parts of the earth by
taking pictures from space