Natural Selection


Year 9 Biology (Natural Selection and Genetic Modification (SB4)) Mindmap am Natural Selection, erstellt von Aaishah Ravat am 29/02/2020.
Aaishah Ravat
Mindmap von Aaishah Ravat, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Aaishah Ravat
Erstellt von Aaishah Ravat vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Natural Selection
  1. Darwin's Theory
    1. Different organisms in a species have genetic variation
      1. Individuals best adapted to the environment are more likely to survive
        1. Surviving individuals are more likely to breed
          1. Creating offspring with best adaptations
          2. The best characteristics are passed on to the next generation
            1. Controversy
              1. Inconclusive evidence
                1. Challenged religious belief of God's creation
                  1. Idea of genes had not been discovered
                  2. Alfred Russel Wallace
                    1. Had similar ideas to Darwin
                      1. Both spent time on islands
                        1. Both produced joint writings
                      2. Modern Biology
                        1. Discovery of genes
                          1. How traits are inherited
                          2. Evolutionary biology
                            1. How organisms have adapted over time
                              1. Evidence
                                1. Fosslis
                                  1. Show gradual change in organisms over time
                                    1. Can show how species are related
                                      1. Pentadactyl Limbs
                                        1. Five digits/fingers
                                          1. Found in many species
                                        2. Formation:
                                          1. Casts around soft materials
                                            1. Preservation
                                              1. In conditions where decay is not possible
                                                1. Glaciers
                                                  1. Extreme, low temperatures
                                                  2. Peat bogs
                                                    1. Extreme acidity
                                                2. Mineral Replacement
                                                  1. Hard parts of organisms replaced by minerals
                                                    1. Leave behind rock-like substance after decay
                                                3. Examples
                                                  1. Ardi
                                                    1. Oldest human fossilised remains
                                                      1. 4.4 million years old
                                                        1. Ardipithecus ramidus
                                                        2. Lucy
                                                          1. 3.2 million years old
                                                            1. Australopithecus afarensis
                                                            2. Leakey
                                                              1. Most recent discoveries
                                                                1. 1.6 million years old
                                                              2. Stone Tools
                                                                1. More complex tools = bigger human brains
                                                                  1. Basic tools - 2.6 million years ago
                                                                    1. Complex tools - 1.6 million years ago
                                                                    2. Carbon Dating
                                                                      1. Shows when the stone was formed
                                                                        1. Not when the tool was built
                                                                        2. Determine how deep it was buried
                                                                          1. Deeper = older
                                                                          2. Use known dates of other items/fossils from that level
                                                                            1. Compare design to other already dated stone tools
                                                                          3. Incomplete record
                                                                            1. Earlier species were soft-bodied
                                                                              1. Geological activity destroyed some evidence
                                                                            2. Antibiotics
                                                                              1. Antibiotic Resistance
                                                                                1. Bacteria reproduce rapidly
                                                                                  1. Mutations arise during reproduction
                                                                                    1. Some mutations may be antibiotic resistance
                                                                                      1. This will represent a new resistant strain
                                                                                        1. If treated with antibiotics, the bacteria will survive and reproduce
                                                                                          1. No treatment, and no human immunity
                                                                                        2. Development is slow and costly
                                                                                          1. Must only be prescribed for serious infections
                                                                                            1. Patients must complete the full course
                                                                                      2. Classification
                                                                                        1. 3 domain system
                                                                                          1. Proposed by Carl Woese
                                                                                            1. Based on chemical analysis
                                                                                              1. Archaea - primitive bacteria
                                                                                                1. Mostly extremophiles
                                                                                                2. Bacteria - true bacteria
                                                                                                  1. Eukaryota - organisms with complex sub-cellular structures
                                                                                                  2. Linnaean classification system
                                                                                                    1. Devised by Carl Linnaeus
                                                                                                      1. Based on structure and characteristics
                                                                                                        1. Kingdom
                                                                                                          1. Phylum
                                                                                                            1. Class
                                                                                                              1. Order
                                                                                                                1. Family
                                                                                                                  1. Genus
                                                                                                                    1. Species
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