Zusammenfassung der Ressource
mop mup
- users
- administrators
- manage orders and payments
- Add, delete, update
- generate reports
- customers
- create/update account
- view/purchase products
- Non functional requirements
- website standers
- australian privecy act
- copywrite
- accessibility guidelines
- data components
- Customer data
- transaction data
- stock inventory data
- admin data
- relational data
- order data
- responsive
- account
- login
- registation
- modertor
- products
- alorithmic components
- generate confirmation of purchase
- update stock
- generate order status
- shopping cart
- differentiate between admin vs customers
- regester acount
- store trasaction history
- validate regester and login
- process customer orders
- put in to functiooal , non adn other e