Getting Started with Python


Mindmap am Getting Started with Python, erstellt von Aparna Dhirde am 12/03/2020.
Aparna Dhirde
Mindmap von Aparna Dhirde, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Aparna Dhirde
Erstellt von Aparna Dhirde vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Getting Started with Python
  1. Introduction
    1. Features of Python
      1. Working with Python
        1. Execution Modes
          1. Interactive Mode
            1. Script Mode
          2. Python Keywords
            1. Identifiers
              1. Questions
              2. Variables
                  1. Single line
                    1. Miltiline
                    2. An object
                      1. An identifiable entity
                      2. Data Types
                        1. Numbers
                          1. Integer
                            1. Boolean
                            2. Floating Point
                              1. Complex
                              2. Sequences
                                1. Strings
                                  1. Lists
                                    1. Tuples
                                    2. Sets
                                      1. None
                                        1. Mappings
                                          1. Dictionary
                                          2. Mutable Data Types
                                            1. List,Set,Dictionary
                                            2. Immutable Data Types
                                              1. String, tuple, int,float,complex
                                              2. Questions
                                              3. Operators
                                                1. Arithmetic Operators
                                                  1. Relational Operators
                                                    1. Assignment Operators
                                                      1. Logical Operators
                                                        1. Identity Operators
                                                          1. Questions
                                                          2. Expressions
                                                            1. Precedence of Operators
                                                              1. Questions
                                                            2. Statement
                                                              1. Input and Output
                                                                1. Questions
                                                                2. Type Conversion
                                                                  1. Explicit Conversion
                                                                    1. Questions
                                                                    2. Implicit Conversion
                                                                      1. Questions
                                                                    3. Debugging
                                                                      1. process of removing errors
                                                                        1. Syntax errors
                                                                          1. Questions
                                                                          2. Logical eror
                                                                            1. Questions
                                                                            2. Runtime error
                                                                              1. Questions
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