Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Native American
- Great Plains
- Lived in Tepees
- Made of buffalo skin
- (Men) Hunted Buffalo
- Used bone for knives
- Used meat for food
- (Woman) Farmed
- Great Basin/ Plateau
- Gathered
- Berries, Wild Onions, Carrots
- Hunted
- Deer and Rabbit
- Clothing decorated with
seeds and shells
- Arctic & Subarctic
- Nomadic Hunters
- Fished and
hunted on boat
- Adapted to cold climate
- Wore seal skin clothes
and two layer parkas
- Southwest
- Heat and lack of water
made life difficult
- Planted corn,beans,squash
on mesas - high flat areas
- Had to use irrigation
- Houses made of adobe
brick (sun baked)
- Southeast
- Yearly corn harvest
to celebrate New Year
- Pointed roof houses
- Made of leaves
- Central plaza had
2-12 mound builders
- Northwest Coast
- Villages located on islands/beaches
- Abundance of food, surplus
- Lived in shingle roof houses
- Made of cedar bark, had
waterproof clothing
- Hunted sea lions, seals,
whales, halibut
- Eastern Woodlands
- Lived in wigwams and
- Lived in farming communities
- Cleared trees to make
open space for farms
- Tracked and hunted
deer and beavers