Native American Tribes


American History Social Studies (American History) Mindmap am Native American Tribes, erstellt von Selam H am 16/09/2013.
Selam H
Mindmap von Selam H, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Selam H
Erstellt von Selam H vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Native American Tribes
  1. Great Plains
    1. Lived in Tepees
      1. Made of buffalo skin
      2. (Men) Hunted Buffalo
        1. Used bone for knives
          1. Used meat for food
          2. (Woman) Farmed
          3. Great Basin/ Plateau
            1. Gathered
              1. Berries, Wild Onions, Carrots
              2. Hunted
                1. Deer and Rabbit
                2. Clothing decorated with seeds and shells
                3. Arctic & Subarctic
                  1. Nomadic Hunters
                    1. Fished and hunted on boat
                      1. Adapted to cold climate
                        1. Wore seal skin clothes and two layer parkas
                    2. Southwest
                      1. Heat and lack of water made life difficult
                        1. Planted corn,beans,squash on mesas - high flat areas
                          1. Had to use irrigation
                          2. Houses made of adobe brick (sun baked)
                          3. Southeast
                            1. Yearly corn harvest to celebrate New Year
                              1. Pointed roof houses
                                1. Made of leaves
                                2. Central plaza had 2-12 mound builders
                                3. Northwest Coast
                                  1. Villages located on islands/beaches
                                    1. Abundance of food, surplus
                                      1. Lived in shingle roof houses
                                        1. Made of cedar bark, had waterproof clothing
                                      2. Hunted sea lions, seals, whales, halibut
                                      3. Eastern Woodlands
                                        1. Lived in wigwams and longhouses
                                          1. Lived in farming communities
                                            1. Cleared trees to make open space for farms
                                            2. Tracked and hunted deer and beavers
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