
Mapa conceptual de las propiedades de los minerales
Antoni Garcia
Mindmap von Antoni Garcia, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Antoni Garcia
Erstellt von Antoni Garcia vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. They are/have
    1. Solid
      1. Natural
        1. inorganic
          1. Fixed composition
            1. Crystalline structure
              1. formed by
                1. Crystals
                  1. in a process called
                    1. Crystallization
                      1. depends on
                        1. Time
                          1. Space
                            1. Temperature
                2. identified by
                  1. MINERAL PROPERTIES
                    1. divided in
                      1. OPTICAL PROPERTIES
                        1. include
                          1. Luster
                            1. defined as
                              1. how the light is reflected
                                1. types
                                  1. Metallic
                                    1. Non Metallic
                                      1. Silky
                                        1. Pearly
                                          1. others
                                    2. Colour
                                      1. defined as
                                        1. mineral's surface colour
                                          1. some of them are very characeristic, others can vary
                                            1. ex: Quartz
                                      2. Streak
                                        1. defined as
                                          1. mineral's powder colour
                                            1. is more reliable than colour
                                          2. how
                                            1. Scrape the mineral across a porcelain plate or tile
                                          3. Crystal shape
                                            1. defined as
                                              1. The general shape of the crystal
                                        2. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
                                          1. include
                                            1. Hardness
                                              1. defined as
                                                1. resistance to being scratched
                                                2. measured in
                                                  1. Mohs scale
                                                    1. from
                                                      1. 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest)
                                                      2. to test
                                                        1. objects
                                                  2. Fracture
                                                    1. The tendency to break but NOT in planes
                                                    2. Cleveage
                                                      1. Tendency to break in certain planes
                                                  3. OTHER PROPERTIES
                                                    1. Magnetism
                                                      1. ability to be attracted by a magnet
                                                      2. Electrical conductivity
                                                        1. ability to allow an electrical flow
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