Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Russian Revolution
- 23 February 1917
- Fall of tsarism
- Provisional government
- New government
- Kadet and
- Soviets didn´t wanted them
- Supported the
- Commanded by Lenin
- Goverment with peasants and
- Control of the factories,
nationalising the banks and
recognising the nationalities of the
Russian Empire
- They proclaimed a
workers´government led by Lenin
- He wanted to sign peace with
- Treaty of Brest-Livostock(1918)
- Russia accepted territorial losses in exchange of peace
- Red Guards
- 25 October
- Rebels occupied
- November 27 1917
- Constituent Assembly
- Lenin disssolved it
- Put an end to political pluralism
- First revolutionary measures
- Land was expropiated to the peasants,
and the worker comittees were given the
control of the factories
- Civil war
- People who supported Tsarism took
up arms against the Soviet
- With the help of French, British, Japanese
and American troops, the white army
confronted the Red Army
- Lasted 3 years
- The Red army won the war
- Contributed a lot on the
hardening of the Soviet
- People suffered
food shortages