Rebellions under Henry VII


A-Level History (Tudors) Mindmap am Rebellions under Henry VII, erstellt von Catherine Dilnot am 02/03/2015.
Catherine Dilnot
Mindmap von Catherine Dilnot, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Catherine Dilnot
Erstellt von Catherine Dilnot vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Rebellions under Henry VII
  1. Usurpation/Battle of Bosworth
    1. Bosworth =Support from Stanley's
      1. Stanley was married to Margaret Beaufort= Henry's mother
      2. Bosworth- 22nd August
        1. Reign beginning 21st
          1. Allowed Henry to punish anyone who fought against him
        2. Given ships/1800 mercanries/16000 Franks
        3. Lovell/Stafford Rebellion
          1. Causes- Loyalty to Richard III caused Lovell and Stafford to rebel due to the fear of losing their land they'd gained under Richard
            1. Lovell planned to intercept Henry VII on his national tour
              1. Henry found out and Lovell fled to Flanders
                1. Margaret of Burgundy was there to protect any pretenders- Richard III's sister and political enemy of Henry
                  1. Lovell arises in many other rebellions in attempts to over throw the throne and restore it to a Yorkist King
              2. Lambert Simnel rebellion 1487
                1. Richard Symonds (a priest from Oxford) attempted to pass off Lambert Simnel as Edward IV- Prince in the Tower
                  1. Finally decided to pass him off as the Earl of Warwick (Who Henry already had imprisoned)
                    1. Earl of Kildare proclaimed Simnel as Edward VI
                      1. Margaret of Burgundy sent 2000 Gemran soldiers/mercenaries to Ireland commanded by Martin Schwarz
                        1. On June 4th, 1487 Lincoln and his army landed at Furness in Lancashire. He marched across the Pennines and then south. However, Lincoln did not receive as much support as he had anticipated. The locals were suspicious of the Irish soldiers who accompanied Lincoln and did not rally to his cause. Henry was prepared for Lincoln and the two armies met just outside of Newark at East Stoke on June 16th 1487.
                          1. Lincoln had 8000 soldiers whilst Henry had 12000 men
                            1. The battle lasted 3 hours
                              1. Schwarz was killed and over half of Lincoln's force was killed
                              2. Bigger than Bosworth
                          2. With foreign support Simnel was crowned king in Dublin in May 1987
                        2. Symonds is extremely manipulative (find historian quote)
                        3. Consequences: Richard Symonds was arrested and sentenced to life in bishop's prison. Simnel was given a position in the king's kitchen as Henry recognised he was not the cause of the invasion.
                          1. Henry used the Acts of Attainder against those who fought against him, 28 nobles ere attainted and had their estates confiscated
                            1. Sent a clear message that those who betrayed the king would be severely dealt with
                              1. It also enhanced Henry's wealth
                        4. Cornish Rebellion 1497
                          1. Subsidies in Cornwall for the Scottish was
                            1. Raising of taxes to fund war with Scotland
                              1. Henry never raised taxes in Cornwall again
                            2. Cornwall is a remote location and the Cornish had their own regional identity- language, but still had to pay tax
                              1. Poverty fulled rebellion
                              2. Events
                                1. May- Trouble flared at Bodmin
                                  1. 16th June rebels camped just outside of London
                                    1. 300 rebels were killed
                                      1. 100 royal troops were killed
                                    2. Threat
                                      1. 15000 rebels
                                        1. Only rebellion to move geographically
                                          1. Black Heath
                                          2. Henry did not have the support of the South West
                                          3. Henry learnt he had to avoid expensive wars and needed to negotiate with James IV rather than fighting him
                                            1. Henry was, by nature, cautious and defensive, personal qualities that were reinforced by his experiences in 1497
                                          4. Yorkshire Rebellion 1497
                                            1. Parliament voted subsidy for the war to defend Britany
                                              1. Many men in Yorkshire believed that they had already paid for defence
                                                1. Tax was least welcome in Yorkshire due to a Lancastrian King
                                              2. Sir John Egremont led the rebels. The Earl of Surrey easily put down their rising
                                                1. Earl of Northumberland was killed
                                                2. Cornish rebellion was already taking place at the same time
                                                  1. A member of the nobility had been killed
                                                    1. Shows Henry in finical trouble and needed money to protect himself from further rebellions
                                                    2. Shows the divide between the Yorkists and the Lancastrians was still present
                                                  2. Perkin Warbeck 1491
                                                    1. Timeline
                                                      1. 1491
                                                        1. Perkin Warbeck begins his imposture in Cork, Ireland. He claims to be Richard, Duke of York, the younger Prince in the Tower
                                                        2. 1492
                                                          1. Warbeck flees to France, where he is received by Charles VIII
                                                          2. 1493
                                                            1. Embargo on woollen cloth trade with Burgundy
                                                            2. 1494
                                                              1. Warbeck secures the backing of the Holy Roman Emperor
                                                              2. 1495
                                                                1. Warbeck attempts to invade England for the first time
                                                                2. 1496
                                                                  1. Warbeck's second invasion of England, backed by the Scots army
                                                                  2. 1497
                                                                    1. Third attempt to invade England; Warbeck surrenders
                                                                    2. 1498
                                                                      1. Warbeck imprisoned in the Tower of London
                                                                      2. 1499
                                                                        1. Warbeck and the Earl of Warwick executed for treason
                                                                      3. Perkin Warbeck was Henry VII's most persistent rival, able to carry off his imposture for eight years.
                                                                        1. His imposture started in Cork, Ireland, where John Taylor and ex-mayor of Cork confirmed him to be Richard, Duke of York (Youngest of the Princes in the Tower)
                                                                          1. This is a problem for Henry as it arose at the same time as the Breton Crisis
                                                                            1. This was also a threat as it could put the Auld Alliance to start
                                                                            2. Henry sent a small army to Ireland. Warbeck has won insufficient support after failing to receive the great Irish acclaim given to Simnel in1487,
                                                                              1. He was unable to resist and in 1492, was forced to flee to France
                                                                                1. Charles VIII was at war with England over Brittany, so Warbeck was received as a prince, showing him the appropriate honours
                                                                                  1. Henry overcame this by negotiating the Treaty of Etaples, forcing the imposter to flee again
                                                                                    1. Warbeck went to the Burgundian court where he was sheltered by Duchess Margaret- she trained him as Yorkist prince.
                                                                                      1. Henry was so threatened by this he introduced economic warfare by placing an embargo on the English woollen cloth trade with Burgundy
                                                                                        1. In 1494 Warbeck was backed by the Holy Roman Emperor, Maximilian.
                                                                                          1. Maximilian had been angered at the Anglo-French agreement made in the Treaty of Etaples
                                                                                            1. In 1495 Warbeck attempted his first invasion and sailed from the Netherlands and landed at Deal in Kent
                                                                                              1. Henry VII had been forewarned of the attempted invasion so English local authorities easily dealt with the imposter's small forced
                                                                                                1. Sir Robert Clifford had informed Henry, he was a royal agent among Warbeck's supporters.
                                                                                                  1. Clifford had said that William Stanley was involved in the plot so the nobleman was arrested, charged with treason and executed
                                                                                                    1. This changed Henry
                                                                                                2. Warbeck himself never disembarked in England and stayed in the ship and set sail to ireland
                                                                                                  1. He went to Ireland but failed to land in Waterford due to lack of support so he set sail to Scotland
                                                                                                  2. James IV welcome Warbeck, providing shelter, a pension and a royal wife (Lady Catherine Gordon)
                                                                                                    1. These anti-Tudor gestures put the proposed Anglo-Spanish marriage in serious doubt
                                                                                                      1. 1489 Medina Del Campo
                                                                                                      2. Second attempt of an invasion had the Scots backing, however, they failed to get support needed once he had crossed the boarder into England
                                                                                                        1. Henry began making diplomatic warfare negotiations for Princess Margaret to marry James IV
                                                                                                          1. James judged it was right for more amicable Anglo-Scottish relations, and Warbeck was no longer welcome in Scotland
                                                                                                            1. Perkin Warbeck was on the move again
                                                                                                          2. Perkin Warbeck returned to ireland where Kildare proved loyal to Henry VII
                                                                                                            1. Warbeck, in a last bid to the throne, landed in Cornwall hoping to exploit the Cornish tax rebellion
                                                                                                              1. After fleeing to sanctuary at Beaulieu Abbey, Warbeck gave himself to the King and made a full confession
                                                                                                                1. Henry showed remarkable leniency to Warbeck
                                                                                                                  1. He allowed Warbeck and his wife at court
                                                                                                                    1. Warbeck tried to escape in 1498 so was humilaited and sent to the Tower
                                                                                                                  2. In the Tower of London Warbeck was plotting his escape with Edward, Earl of Warwick
                                                                                                                    1. Henry learned of the plot which may have been set up by two agents to 'kill two birds with one stone'.
                                                                                                                      1. In 1499 both men were but on trial for treason
                                                                                                                        1. Warbeck was hung
                                                                                                                  3. The Cornish rebellion turned out to be poorly led, disorganised and under-equipped
                                                                                                                    1. This exposed Warbeck's inadequcies as a military leader
                                                                                                                      1. Henry had been forewarned about the invasion
                                                                                                                        1. Sir Giles Daubeney was sent to crush the rebellion at Exeter
                                                                                                          3. Charles withdrew his support as he decided to wage war in Italy and withdrew his support for Warbeck to secure the northern borders of France
                                                                                          2. Threat
                                                                                            1. The Warbeck rebellion was a threat as it continued for 9 years
                                                                                              1. This put the Medina Del Campo at risk as Isabella refused to let Catherine marry Arthur unless Warbeck was detained
                                                                                                1. It showed the extent Margaret of Burgundy would go to to threaten Henry's thrown and the Tudor dynasty
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