Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- vocal
- exageration
- chorus
- narration
- physical
- gestus
- soical meaning
combined with
- exageration
- freeze frames
- prodution
- props
- placards
- other form of narration
- lighting
- simple lighting
- sound
- music
- comment on
whats happening
- audeince
- allienation
- make the audience know thsi is a
play and view it as a work of fiction to
be interpreted rather than an
emersive experience
- audience
- imersion
- shock
- stimualte fear
- production
- lighting
- sitmualte senses
- sound
- flashign and blidning
- use of white
- props
- not as commonly
- used to add to the
fear of the
- physical
- abrstact
- written poetry
- fear
- use of emotion
- vocal
- reudaction of speech
- soundscapes
- audience
- immersed in experience
- maintains the 4th wall
- exaggerated realism
- vocal
- phyical
- no abstract mvoment
- circles of attention
- chracterisation
- 7 questions
- magic if
- emotional
- production
- action usually
over a single day
- audience
- immersive
- feel part of the action
- exaggeration on realism
- physical
- circles of attention
- no abstract
- characterisation
- objectives
- vocal
- emotional memory
- use of pause
- magic if
- production
- producation
- props
- all made to
- used to
compliemt the
- lighting
- compliemt
- wash lights
- sound
- natural
- meant to add to
natural experience
- audience
- immersion
- feel part of the scene
- maintain 4th wall
- physical
- circles of attention
- objectives
- super
- normal objectives
- characterisation
- magic if
- 7 questions
- emotional memeory
- no abstract
- vocal
- emotional memory
- all natural
- use of tone and pitch
- all dialouge
- less exaggeration