Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Purposive approach
- Judges look at the positive reasons Parliament created the legislation
and interpret the words to bring about that purpose
- Forward looking, Used in EU Court of Justice and
when considering Human Rights issues
- Allows judges to look at the aims of the Act in
current social context
- R v Registrar General Ex parte Smith - Refused right to birth
records - Adoption Act 1976 denied on ground of public policy as
he may have been a danger to his birth mother
- Jones v Tower Boot Co - Race Relations Act 1976 - Employer held liable
- Pickstone v Freemans plc -
- RCN v DHSS - Positive aims of the Act were safe abortions
- R v Sec of State for Health Ex parte Quintaville - Human Fertilisation
and Embryology Act 1990 - Because of new technology the Act didnt
include Embryos which were cloned