Zusammenfassung der Ressource
How to do well in English AF2?
- What it is?
- Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from text and use quotation and reference to texts.
- How to do well in AF2?
- Increased precision in selection and application of textual reference to the point being made.
- Ability to draw on other sources develop an argument.
- Relevant points identified, from different sources or different places in the same text.
- Ability to summarise and synthesise information.
- Reference or quotes support ideas.
- Relevant points identified, including ones form different places in the text.
- Comments generally supported by textual reference or quotes, not always accurately.
- Some points identified.
- References and quotes used generally relevant.
- Simple obvious points identified may be some misunderstanding.
- Retelling or paraphrasing sections of text rather than using it to support a comment
- Some specific, straightforward information recalled e.g Names, places.
- Generally clear of where to look for information.