Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- definitions
- Hurford & Heasley (1983)
- Semantics is the study of meaning in language
- Saeed
- semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language
- Löbner
- Semantics is the part of linguistics that is concerned with
- Frawley
- Linguistic semantics is the study of literal,
decontextualized, grammatical meaning
- Kreidler
- Linguistic semantics is the study of how languages
organize and express meanings
- Lyons
- Semantics is the study of meaning
- history of semantic
- semantic studies can be traced
back to the first studies of language
by man.
- Since the very first moments in which
man started to investigate the
phenomenon of
- Aristotle’s first ruminations on
language (IV c. BC) or Pāņini’s
grammar (IV c BC?),
- The attempt to find the
correspondence between parts of
the linguistic code and parts of
meaning can be considered the goal
of any linguistic theory in general.
- The most succesful theory of the XXth century
- Chomsky an Generativism
- Chomsky argued that the human Brain, contains a limited set of constraints for
organizing language. This implie in turn that all languages have a common structural basis:
the set of rules known as universal grammar.
- Formal Semantics
- Is concerned with a very limited set of statements that can be truth about the truth can
be determinated
- Formal semantics is the natural choice for people working in rule based on natural
language proccesing
- syntax
- For the syntax we assume that sentences have a hierachical
constituent structure that groups words and subconstituents
into constituents.
- Cognitive Semantics
- It tries to root meaning in human experience
of the world which it finds in human