4 temperament theories


Bsc ED209 Mindmap am 4 temperament theories, erstellt von charliestar04 am 20/09/2013.
Mindmap von charliestar04, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von charliestar04 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

4 temperament theories
  1. 1) Thomas & Chess
    1. 9 dimensional framework using New York Longitudinal Study
      1. Dimensions may not be independent, distract ability & attention span could be same thing
        1. Difficult to replicate framework on separate samples of children
          1. Different temperamental types in infancy, easy, slow to warm up, difficult
            1. Difficult kids showed pattern of high scores on intensity of reaction & negative mood, low scores on adaptability, rhythmic it's & approach. Increased risk of behavioural problems
              1. Bates & Bates
                1. Link between temp characteristics reported by mom at 2 & behaviour probs at 3-6. However May be product of parental perceptions rather than child's actual behaviour
                  1. link between temp characteristics reported by mom at 2 & behaviour probs at 3-6. But may be product pf parental perception rather than childs actual behaviour
                  2. Vaughan et al
                    1. mom had formed a view of temperament before birth.
                        1. Ratings were related to mom personality & attitudes towards child rearing
                          1. biased, parental perceptions may shape temperament
                      1. Pauli-Pott et al
                        1. parental perception of infant emotionality at 4mth predicted measures at 8 mth
            2. 2) Buss & Plomin
              1. Simpler model, 3 dimentions
                1. emotionality, activity, sociability
                  1. Impulsivity & shyness maybe further dimentions
                    1. model related well to adult personality theories by Eysenck
                      1. sociability & impulsivity link to extraversion, and emotionality to neuroticism
                        1. emphasises genetic influence
              2. 3) Kagan
                1. Inhibition to the unfamiliar
                  1. Categorical rather than dimensional approach, emphasising qualitative differences between temperament types
                    1. Distinction made on basis of behavioural inhibition, some are shy & other socially responsive with unfamiliar people
                      1. 75% stability in these characteristics into middle childhood
                        1. psychological differences linked to limbic system
                          1. some support for psychophysiological reactivity but acknowledges change possible through conscious effort
                2. 4) Dunn & Kendrick
                  1. embedding temperament in social relationships
                    1. focus on influence of social context on behaviour
                      1. response to new sibling related not only to temperament but also quality of interaction between mom & child
                        1. stability of temperament reflects stability of relationship
                          1. not purely genetic
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