Six steps of Market Research


9th grade ETB Mindmap am Six steps of Market Research, erstellt von Maria Soto am 20/04/2020.
Maria Soto
Mindmap von Maria Soto, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Maria Soto
Erstellt von Maria Soto vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Six steps of Market Research
  1. 1. Define the question
    1. By determining what they need to know, they are defining the question that will be the focus of their research.
      1. 2. Determine the data needed
        1. Entrepreneurs need to make sure that the data they collect will be helpful
          1. 3. Collect the Data
            1. First decide how you will gather the data. (Survey, observation, focus group, etc.) Then, you should perform secondary market research to familiarize yourself with the market. (Using economic trends, industry forecasts, etc.) You can then choose the best research method for the information you want to gather.
              1. 4. Analyze the data
                1. Analyze and interpret the information thoroughly. It should be written so you can refer to it later.
                  1. 5. Take Action
                    1. Develop a plan of action based on the information you found in your market research.
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