Zusammenfassung der Ressource
GCSE Religious Studies
- Believing in God
- Reasons for Belief
- Due to your
- It's said that God has no
grandchildren so it must
be your decision
- Muslims believe that
everyone is born in
submission to Allah, if
someone becomes a
Muslim later in life the are
- Religious experiences
- Holy books
- Prayer
- Miracles
- Numinous
(sensing the
presence of God)
- Design and Causation
- Design - "Someone
must have designed
the universe"
- Isaac Newton's
thumbprint theory
(every thumbprint is
- William Paley's
watchmaker theory
(you wouldn't think
an intricate watch
was made by chance)
- Causation -"There must
have been a first cause"
- Only two possibilities:
1) the universe has
always existed 2) there
was a first cause
(which some believe I
- However science suggest
evolution and the big
bang theory (alternate
first cause)
- Musliums and Christians believe
that God is OMNIPOTENT (all
powerful), OMNISCIENT (all
knowing) and OMNI-BENEVOLENT
(all loving and compassionate)
- The Origins of the World
- Scientific
- The big bang theory
in which the
universe began in an
explosion of matter
and energy. It is
supported by the
evidence that the
universe is still
- Evolution argues that life
evolved over millions of
years, humans evolved
form apes
- Christian Ideas
- According to Genesis Chapter 1 God
created everything. The process took
6 days in the order: Light and
darkness, the sky, land and plants,
sun and moon and stars, fish and
birds, land animals and people till on
the seventh day he rested
- If the bible is taken literally
evolution is wrong and
humans descended from
Adam and Eve
- Some Christians view
Genesis as a parable or
as symbolyic
- In 1996 the Roman
Catholic Church
accepted the Big
Bang theory
- Islamic Ideas
- Is very similar to
Christian Genesis
however the Qur'an
states Allah formed
Adam from clay and
breathed life and a
soul into him and all
humans are decended
form Adam
- Evil and Suffering
- Types of Evil
- Moral evil is suffering by
cruel actions of people e.g. war, rape and
torture. The person has a choice
- Natural evil is suffering caused by the
world not humans e.g. disease, floods and
earthquakes. Howevr recent natural
disasters may have been influenced by
- Cause people to question faith
- They can't
believe a
good god
would allow
- Prayers are unanswered
- Roman Catholics often pray to
saints on behalf of God by
intercessory prayers
- Other Christians and Muslims pray
directly to God and believe no sincere
prayer goes unanswered
- God can't be all
powerful if he is unable
to prevent suffering
- Christian Views
- They teach that
evil entered the
world as a result
of Adam and Eve
giving into
temptation (the
original sin)
- Humans have
free will to
choose right or
- Suffering is
a test of
- Evil is the devil
- Islamic Views
- It is a test of
humanity's free
will "We will
surely test you"
- If we choose
against the will
of Allah we will
have to answer
on the Day of
- Suffering should be
accepted as there will be
joy in the next life
- Pray for forgiveness
(one of the 99 names
of Allah is The
- Muslims work to help
others suffering
- The devil (Iblis
or Shaytan)
tempts us
- The problem of evil
- Some Christians believe that
evil needs to be there for us to
have a choice or free will but
in the end all evil will become
- Islam teaches
everything that
happens is Allah's plan
(not for us to question)
and evil gives people
the chance to do good
- The Holocaust
- Six million Jews died so
why did God allow it
- Some Jews concluded there was no
God and others thought he didn't
care or was powerless
- It was a test of faith
and demonstration of
free will
- God wouldn't kill
Hitler as no one is
truly evil
- Must keep practicing
Judaism or else Hitler
will have one
- Media
- Songs of Praise
- Views share experiences and
shows the relevance of
Christianity in peoples lives
- Is interactive and build community
- A deeper understanding
of Christianity
- 9/11
- Islam is linked with terrorism
- Atheist's Views
- Programs like Professor Richard Dawkins
"The Root of All Evil" and his book "The
God Delusion"
- He argued that a process of
non-thinking called faith leads to
intolerance, violence and destruction
- Keywords
- Agnostic
- A belief that it is
impossible to know if
God exists or not
- Atheist
- Denial of the
existence of
- Conversion
- When someone's life is
changed by becoming
a follower of God