Bicentenary of the Peru


A.Meylin Grimaldo
Mindmap von A.Meylin Grimaldo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
A.Meylin Grimaldo
Erstellt von A.Meylin Grimaldo vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Bicentenary of the Peru
    1. San Martin with 4000 men between Argentines and Chileans, announces the Freedom of the Black Slaves (Peruvians) to join the movement
      1. He moved to Huacho because he didn´t have the support in Lima
      2. Torre Tagle
        1. Torre Tagle proclaimed the independence of Trujillo on 29 December 1820
          1. Tumbes, Piura Lambayeque, Cajamarca, Chachapoyas, Huamachuco, Jaén and Mainas joined the cause
          2. José Faustino Carrión
            1. Peru's first free man, ideologue of the Republic born in Huamachuco
              1. Contributed to the Creation of the first University, the Court of Justice, the Organization of the Congress, and the Editorial Office of the First Constitution of Peru
                1. Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza
                  1. Born in Chachapoyas, he spread from the Church and Convictorio de San Carlos y San Marcelo the libertarian ideals
                  2. Mariscal Luis José de Orbegoso y Moncada
                    1. He abandoned his fortune in favor of a Homeland free, contributing his income to the expenses of the liberating army
                      1. Courageous Men
                  3. Independence of Peru
                    1. It was proclaimed on July 28, 1821
                      1. Made possible by the meeting in Guayaquil (July 28, 1822), San Martin left in the hands of Bolivar and his continuation of the liberation feat
                      2. At the beginning of the XIX century.
                        1. Everything Started when San Martin leaves from Mendoza, in January 1817. After several attempts, he defeated the realistic armies. San Martin freed Chile.
                        2. GRIMALDO HUAMÁN, MEYLIN
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