Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Bicentenary of the Peru
- San Martin with 4000 men between Argentines and
Chileans, announces the Freedom of the Black Slaves
(Peruvians) to join the movement
- He moved to Huacho because he
didn´t have the support in Lima
- Torre Tagle
- Torre Tagle proclaimed the
independence of Trujillo on 29
December 1820
- Tumbes, Piura Lambayeque,
Cajamarca, Chachapoyas,
Huamachuco, Jaén and Mainas
joined the cause
- José Faustino
- Peru's first free man, ideologue of the
Republic born in Huamachuco
- Contributed to the Creation of the first
University, the Court of Justice, the
Organization of the Congress, and the
Editorial Office of the First Constitution of
- Toribio Rodríguez de
- Born in Chachapoyas, he spread from the
Church and Convictorio de San Carlos y San
Marcelo the libertarian ideals
- Mariscal Luis José de
Orbegoso y Moncada
- He abandoned his fortune in favor of a
Homeland free, contributing his income
to the expenses of the liberating army
- Courageous Men
- Independence
- It was proclaimed on July 28, 1821
- Made possible by the meeting in
Guayaquil (July 28, 1822), San
Martin left in the hands of Bolivar
and his continuation of the
liberation feat
- At the beginning of the XIX century.
- Everything Started when San Martin leaves from Mendoza, in
January 1817. After several attempts, he defeated the realistic
armies. San Martin freed Chile.