Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Biological approach
- assumptions
- behaviour explain in terms of areas of the brain
- cerebral cortex surface of brain, higher cognitive functions
- frontal cortext motor movement
- occipital lobe associated with vision
- Hyperthalamus integrates the ANS (stress and emotion)
- behaviour explained in terms of hormones
- biochemical substances produced in adrenal glads and circulate the body
- produced in large quantities, disappear really quickly
- effect is slow but very powerful
- oestrogen, testosterone
- Gas Model Selye
- General adaptation syndrome
- Exposed to unpleasant stimuli, display universal responce to all stressors
- stage 1: alarm section
- Stressor recognised, response is made to the alarm
- Hypothalamus in brain triggers production of adrenaline
- Adrenaline causes sensations: increased heart rate, sweaty palms...
- stage 2: Resistance
- stress continues
- Body adapting to the demands of environment
- resources are being gradually reduced
- Stage 3: exhaustion
- Body can no longer maintain normal functioning
- initial symptoms may appear
- Adrenal glands may be damaged.
- Immune system may not be able to cope due t slowed production of proteins
- As a result stress related illnesses such as ulcers, depression
- Hans Selye research with rats
- Aim and context: shared common set of symptoms no matter what was wrong
- Generlised
- !936 injected rats with hormones saw same response
- Suggested there was one internal mechanism for dealing with noxious agents called stressors.
- Procedure
- rats exposed to noxious agents: cold, surgical injury, intoxications, production os spinal shock.
- Finding and conclusion
- 1. 6-48 Hours: enlargement of adrenal glands, ulcers, shrinkage of the immune system
- 2. treatment continued , function and appliance turned practically back to normal.
- 3. continued treatment after 3 months animals lost resistance and showed original symptoms
- Psychosurgery
- aim of treating mentally disordered behaviour
- destroying sections of the brain or severing fibres
- pre frontal lobotomy
- selective destruction of nerve fibres
- frontal lobe
- OCD and depression
- moniz 1930
- refined technique called leucotome
- instrument with retractable wire loop
- thought that by cutting in to nerve pathways that carried thoughts would relive patients of bad thoughts
- fatality rate of up to 6%
- drilling hole in each side of skull, using an istrument resembling ice pick to sever nerve fibres
- Streotactic psychosurgery
- MRI scans to make cutting more precise
- circuit linking orbital frontal lobe to deeper structures is more active than normal.
- cingulotomy designed to interrupt the circuit
- 56% efffective