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Week 4: Political Man, Chapter 2
Economic Development and
Democracy (Seymour Martin Lipset)
- Conditions of Democracy
- political formula specifying which institutions are legitimate.
- One set of political leaders in office
- One or more sets of leaders attempting to gain office
- Characteristics dealt with in Lipset's argument
- Legitimacy
- Economic Development
- in Europe and the Americas
- Aristotle/others:
- Democracies only in wealthy nations.
- intelligence to participate in politics
- Self restraint
- Protection from demagogues
- Lack of wealth
- Tyranny
- oligarchy
- Democracy = +wealth + industrialization + education
- Education
- WHY is there not as high a correlation between Education and Democracy as expected ex: Germany and France.
- Education is necessary but NOT sufficient
- 1951-1952 study. Hihg correlation between urbanization, literacy, voting rates, media consumption/production vs education
- Modernization
- Requires multiple aspects of development to keep pace with one another
- urbanization
- Education
- Lerner's Phases
- Urbanization
- Literacy
- Media Growth
- Fully accelerates literacy through media networks
- and the Class struggle
- form of struggle based on level of economic development and resulting changes
- Inverse relationship between strength of communism and economic development
- Stronger relationship than between communism and ethnic/ religious factors
- What is the relationship between Communism and level of education?
- More wealth and education = multiple pressures from various ideologies = lower commitment to any single ideology = less extremism
- Larger, moderate middle class penalizes extremism
- Poverty and economic struggle do not result, on their own, in political extremism.
- In the case of stable poverty without the concept of the possibility of change, the result will be conservatism
- Resultant high correlation between political extremism and economic inequality NOT simply poverty.
- The Politics of rapid economic development
- Basic issue is pressure for rapid development
- Why are industrial newcomers prone to extremism?
- BC they are uneducated, comparatively poor, etc.
- Lipset on emergence of Democracy]
- Weber not completely right that capitalism is the only prerequisite for democracy
- Many cases where the socio economic conditions were right, but still no democracy. Germany
- Key Historical Events
- Persistence of democracy
- premature democracies must improve conditions that allow it's persistence
- universal literacy
- literacy gives people the capacity to be good citizens who vote, participate, etc.
- The higher one's education, the more likely they are to buy in to democratic values and practices